1) Drizzle
So little amount of raindrops that you don't even need an umbrella.
Just like a spray~ nice and soft~
2) Sprinkle
Slightly heavier than a Drizzle, this can be used to describe snow as well.
Just like sprinkling sugar on a cupcake.
3) Shower
Ok, you can get wet with this, so you need an umbrella, although the duration is short.
4) Thunderstorm
Raining heavily, and the area is enormous, you may hear thunders as well.
Although it sounds scary, the duration is short. Pretty normal for countries around or at the equator.
5) Downpour
Raining really heavily, and the duration is long.
Just like you are pouring a bucket of water, CONTINUOUSLY~.
This type of rain can be described by the idiom "raining cats and dogs"
6) Hail (in this case, this word is a noun.... not a verb...)
The Solid-state of water, or known as ice, usually possesses the shape of a sphere or a cone.
7) Acid Rain
When acid gas is absorbed by the water droplets in the sky, an acid rain may occur.
Usually, the acid gasses are carbon dioxide produced from factories or vehicles.