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▉ ▇ ▆ ▅ Discord Server Rules / Discord 服务器规则 ▅ ▆ ▇ ▉

Writer's picture: Memo2007Ultra-WbTc TeamMemo2007Ultra-WbTc Team

Updated: Jan 4, 2022

The server rules can be separated into 4 Main Sections:


4) AUTHORIZED POWER <SECTION: Au> (for M2007U - [Creator 🖊🖐🏻 创造者] only)

Please note that server rules may be updated from time to time. And if you have a suggestion, feel free to send them into the text Channel "suggestion box"




<At1> Be respectful to everyone. If someone left you no choices, take your fights to Direct Messages. But please, do not fight.

<At2> for 🤍 ALL USERS 🤍 especially M2007U - [Creator 🖊🖐🏻 创造者], → take care of the newcomers, supervising the server when you are free. → be a nice role model

<At3> Speak up If you see something, don't be afraid to speak up. Make yourself at home here (and follow the rules).



<Co1> the following items are prohibited on this server for 🤍 ALL USERS 🤍 : → slur(s), swear(s), cyber-bullying, harassment(s), abusing, judging. eg: instead of "F***", try "FRIDGE~" → racism, prejudice(s), sexist, anti-LGBTQ+, → hate speech, political topics, religious topics, → NSFW materials, underage content(s), suspicious contents. → unappropriate name(s) and/or avatar(s). → special characters, emoji, obscenities, and impersonation.

<Co2> the following items are prohibited on this server for 💚 Normal Users 💚 only : → advertisements & self-promotions, → unsolicited references and links to other social media, servers, communities, and services in chat or direct messages.

<Co3> the following items are allowed on this server for M2007U - [Creator 🖊🖐🏻 创造者] only : → links to your: Facebook Page / Youtube Channel / YouTube Video / Instagram Page / Instagram post / Wix website / or other reasonable sites or links where the content of the page/website/etc has NO prohibited items from SECTION:<C1>



<Md1> NO SPAMMING No one likes it, and it's just going to be deleted anyway.

<Md2> NO EXCESSIVE MENTIONING → Do not overuse "@". And "@everyone" is not allowed to 💚 Normal Users 💚, that is for announcements. → As an M2007U - [Creator 🖊🖐🏻 创造者], do not abuse this function.

<Md3> CHANNELS Every channel are labeled for a reason, use the channels for their dedicated functions/topics

<Md4> PREFERRED LANGUAGES → English and Chinese are the main languages of this server. If you use these language(s), it is more likely everyone can understand what are you talking about. → If somehow you don't speak any of these and you are trying to communicate, please include the tag "<ENZH.false>" before your messages in your native language or "tried your best to translated" English or Chinese. It is possible that someone is going to smack your messages inside Google translate and try to talk to you.

→ If you have difficulties using English / Chinese, please send a message on the text channel "Badge Application" so you can get a "Tolerant - ENZH.false" instead of keep including the "<ENZH.false>" tag.


▶ AUTHORIZED POWER <SECTION: Au, Authorized Personel Power>

Note that the following will only apply to M2007U - [Creator 🖊🖐🏻 创造者] only

by "Gangster" or "Gangsters", we meant by "a non M27U Creator (or a group of them) who is/are failing to comply with the basic general rules"

<Au1> Granted Powers

→ you are allowed to request a Kick or a Ban regarding a gangster by mentioning @Memo2007Ultra

→ you are allowed to time out any gangsters with a reason without mentioning @Memo2007Ultra

<Au2> Responsibility

→ as a M2007U - [Creator 🖊🖐🏻 创造者], please behave well since you are one of the role models of the server, do not abuse this power

→ if you are caught abusing the power, it is possible that you are going to get timed out as well


服务器规则 可以大致上分成 4个 部分:

1)保持文明 <At项:态度> 2)内容控制 <Co项:内容> 3)方法控制 <Md项:方法>

4)创造者权力 <Au项:权力、管辖>

也请所有使用者注意,服务器规则可能随时更新。 如果你有意见的话,可以将你的意见“塞进” 文字区块 “意见箱”


▶ 保持文明 <At项:态度>

<At1> 尊重每个使用者。如果还是有使用者引战,请在 DM/PM 解决。当然也拜托各位,不要引战,好好沟通。

<At2> 至 🤍所有使用者🤍 尤其 M2007U - [Creator 🖊🖐🏻 创造者] → 照顾新生,在空闲的时候监督服务器 → 做好榜样

<At3> 尝试互动 如果你看到感兴趣的内容,不妨参与一下。 把这里当成你的家吧(当然还是必须遵守规则)


▶ 内容控制 <Co项:内容>

<Co1> 以下内容为对 🤍所有使用者🤍 有效的 禁止内容: → 使用不雅字眼(注意你的水准)、网络霸凌、骚扰、人生攻击、。 → 种族歧视、偏见、反女同性恋,反男同性恋,反双性恋、反变形人。 → 政治话题、宗教话题、可疑内容。 → 不雅内容 → 不雅用户名和不雅用户照, → 敏感字符,emoji,冒充。

<Co2> 以下内容为只对 💚普通使用者💚 有效的 禁止内容: → 打广告、宣传 → 社交媒体、其它服务器、团队、服务 或任何商业性链接。

<Co3> 以下内容为之对 M2007U - [Creator 🖊🖐🏻 创造者] 有效的 允许内容: 可以宣传 其它服务器、团队、面子书、Youtube频道、YouTube视频、IG页面、Wix网站、或者其它合理 的链接,同时连接的目的地完全没有<C1项>内的内容


▶ 方法控制 <Md项:方法>

<Md1> 不要当 机械枪 禁止过量重复发出同样信息

<Md2> 禁止过度注明 → 不要严重使用“@”,还有“@everyone”不是 💚普通使用者💚 可以使用的,那是被用来宣布事项的。 → 当然,身为一个 M2007U - [Creator 🖊🖐🏻 创造者],不要滥用这一个权力。

<Md3> 禁止区块离题 所有区块都有自己的话题、主题。

<Md4> 服务器主要语言 → 此服务器的语言主要是 中文 和 英文,这样的话大家都可以知道你想要表达的内容。 → 如果 中文 和 英文 不是你擅长的语言,请在信息前端加入标签 "<ENZH.false>" 以注明你正在努力尝试和大家沟通,相信一定会有使用者把你的信息塞进 "Google翻译器"。

→ 如果 中文 或 英文 不是你擅长的语言,可以在 文字区块 “徽章申请” 说明你需要 “Tolerant - ENZH.false” 的徽章,这样的话就可以省去 在信息前端加入标签 "<ENZH.false>" 的动作


▶ 创造者权力 <Au项:权力、管辖>

此项只对 M2007U - [Creator 🖊🖐🏻 创造者] 生效

在这里,“流氓”指“严重/特意 触犯服务器规则的 非M27U Creator成员 的 服务器成员”。

<Au1> 给与的权限

→ 你能够向 @Memo2007Ultra 申请向 某流氓 使用"Kick" 或 “Ban” → 你能够直接使用 “Time Out”(暂时封号) 在某流氓,无需申请的动作。

<Au2> 责任

→ 身为一位 M2007U - [Creator 🖊🖐🏻 创造者],请以身作为,严禁滥用此权力

→ 若被“逮捕”,你也将会暂时失去发言权力


Edited on 4th Jan 2022

于 2022年 1月 4日 更新

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