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Primary school Math Problems that made students went BONKERS, Question 01|小学数学题“逼哭”考生, 第1题

Writer's picture: XR - XharpRazor AxtraXR - XharpRazor Axtra

Updated: Nov 24, 2021

[English version]

According to SinChew Daily and Goxuan, some students cried on the spot, vomitted, table flipped, or asked the teacher for a longer duration during the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) held by the Ministry of Education of Singapore.


One question goes like this:

Helen and Ivan have the same number of coins.

Helen has some number of 50cents and 64 20cents, with a total mass of 1.134kg

Ivan has some number of 50cents and 104 20cents

(1) Who has more money than the others ? And by how much ?

(2) say each 50cent is 0.0027kg more than a 20cent, what is the mass of Ivan total coins



(Desktop Site is recommended)

In the beginning, it seems terrifying, that is one of the main objectives of the exam.

But luckily, since the question

is a "relative type question" (a question that asks what is the relationship between parameters) rather than an "absolute type question" (a question that asks what is the absolute value of each parameter),

we can try to cancel out what both Helen and Ivan have in common, the rest is the difference and the answer.

let's turn the question into something we can see, and simplify it

(use smaller numbers and understand the concept first)

let's say "🔴" is a 50cent and "⚪" is a 20cent

so we should have something like:

H: 🔴🔴🔴🔴 .... 🔴🔴|🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴|⚪⚪ .... ⚪⚪
I: 🔴🔴🔴🔴 .... 🔴🔴|⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪|⚪⚪ .... ⚪⚪
   <------L part------->|<----M part--->|<----R part---->

as you can see, the question is actually just asking for differences, (obvious for question 1 by indirect for question 2, don't worry, I'll explain)

so what matters, is not the L part, is not the R part, instead, it should be the difference between Helen and Ivan, the M part.


When we want to find out who has more money,

both Helen's L part and Ivan's L part will cancel each other and

both Helen's R part and Ivan's R part will cancel each other

what is left is the M part.

so the total difference of cash should be = the width of M Part × the cash difference of each coin

So let's go back to the original question.

So the width of M Part should be 104 - 64 = 40, and the picture should originally look like this:

H: 🔴🔴🔴🔴 .... 🔴🔴|🔴🔴🔴....🔴🔴🔴|⚪⚪ .... ⚪⚪
I: 🔴🔴🔴🔴 .... 🔴🔴|⚪⚪⚪....⚪⚪⚪|⚪⚪ .... ⚪⚪
            ?           |         40        |       64
   <------L part------->|<------M part----->|<----R part---->

so the difference is

40 x (50c - 20c) = 40 x 30c = 120c

since we know that Helen is has less 20cents then Ivan,

meaning Helen has more 50cents then Ivan,

meaning Helen has more money than Ivan,

and Helen has 120cents more than Ivan (question 1 solved)


we can also apply the same Idea here, instead of cash value, we are dealing with mass.

so the total difference of total mass should be = the width of M Part × the mass difference of each coin

so the difference of mass in the original question should be

40 x 0.0027kg = 0.108kg

since we know that the total mass of Helen's coins is 1.134kg, then

the total mass of Ivan's coins should be 1.134kg - 0.108kg = 1.026kg (question 2 solved)


Often, a question that is a "relative type question" will allow you to cancel common values, and what matters is the difference.

PS: I am not academically good at maths, I am like other students: failing my math exams all the time during high school.

Here is the original link with no answers:










1. 谁的钱比较多?多出多少钱?

2. 假设每枚50分铜板比20分铜板重0.0027公斤,伊凡的铜板最多有几公斤重?









假设"🔴" 是一枚50分铜板,则"⚪"是一枚20分铜板。


H: 🔴🔴🔴🔴 .... 🔴🔴|🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴|⚪⚪ .... ⚪⚪
I: 🔴🔴🔴🔴 .... 🔴🔴|⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪⚪|⚪⚪ .... ⚪⚪
   <------L 部分------->|<----M 部分--->|<----R 部分---->


由此可见,关键不是 L部分,也不是R部分,而是 两人不一样的M 部分



海伦的 L部分 和 伊凡的 L部分 会互相抵消(因为它们都是一样的,不用比较)

海伦的 R部分 和 伊凡的 R部分 也会互相抵消

剩下的 就是 M部分

所以 两人相差的钱 = M部分的宽度 × 价钱差别


M部分的宽度应该是 104-64=40,那么示意图大致上应该是:

H: 🔴🔴🔴🔴 .... 🔴🔴|🔴🔴🔴....🔴🔴🔴|⚪⚪ .... ⚪⚪
I: 🔴🔴🔴🔴 .... 🔴🔴|⚪⚪⚪....⚪⚪⚪|⚪⚪ .... ⚪⚪
            ?           |         40        |       64
   <------L 部分------->|<------M 部分----->|<----R 部分---->

所以 两人相差的钱 = 40 x (50分 - 20分) = 40 x 30分 = 120分

既然海伦的 20分铜板比 伊凡的少;

也就是说海伦的 50分铜板比 伊凡的多,

也就是说海伦的钱比伊凡的多,多了 120分。(第一题解答完毕)



但是这一题我们对付的不是 价钱,而是质量。

所以 两人铜板相差质量 = M部分的宽度 × 铜板质量差别


两人铜板相差质量是 = 40 × 0.0027kg = 0.108kg

既然 50分铜板比20分铜板质量多,且海伦有的50分铜板比伊凡多,


所以伊凡的铜板质量因该是 1.134kg - 0.108kg = 1.026kg(第二题解答完毕)






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