Not court or guilty or moral laws,
it is almost like physics laws and phenomena.
Here are some of the "laws" that
I came up with after playing a while in VRC
(And of course, I am going to continue on this amazing journey):
the laws can be separated into these types:
0: devices based
1: players only
2: players and objects
3: objects
VRC Law 0:
A VR headset is not required in order to play VRC
It is commonsense that since the game is called "VRChat",
then we need a VR Headset,
but the VRC team pushed even further,
they know that not everyone has a VR Headset
but at least everyone has a computer or laptop.
So, you don't need a VR Headset,
what you need are just a computer/laptop
and an excellent wi-fi connection
and you are ready to explore.
you don't need a VR Headset~

VRC Law 0.1:
Most of the young children are quest users.
If you are playing VRC from 2019 to 2021 (so far), when there is a young child playing VRC, there is a high probability that he/she is using Quest. Perhaps they think Quest is cool, but what they have to sacrifice is the ability to explore PC worlds and PC avatars.
little children? Quest users probably...
VRC Law 1.1:
The gender of an individual is undefined until specified
It is true that everyone can have any type of avatars,
and it is possible that the appearance of the avatar
that a user is using doesn't match the user's gender.
And it is possible that the user has a voice changer as well.
So the next time when you see a cute girl sitting there,
do not fully expect that the user is a female.
wait.... you are a male ?!?!

VRC Law 1.2:
If the Capacity of players hasn't been reached yet,
the number of stationary players inside an instance
is approximately proportional
to the total area of mirrors in a single instance.
This is a weird VRChat phenomenon:
whenever there is a mirror,
many people will just stand/sit there
and watch themselves in the mirror.
So if you are a world creator, maybe you can add a mirror
to encourage your visitors to stay a little longer.
But at the same time, a mirror can be an essential tool
to check the appearance of your current avatar
(eg: hmm, how will the avatar appear when I choose this emote?)
just sitting here... doing nothing...

VRC Law 2:
All the pickUps follow the rules of Entropy,
all pickups will go from "ordered" to "disordered".
This includes QVpens, pillows, and other pickUps.
Without respawning the objects,
it is possible that some pickUps are going
to be missing and it is hard to place it back to its initial position and orientation,
this is why it is common to see pickUps
all over the place when you enter an active instance.
everything.... is everywhere....
(Left pic: Pillows are everywhere;
Right pic: this is so chaotic that even a burger can be placed on top of a plant)
VRC Law 2.1:
If an instance contains a set of QVpens,
there is a high probability
that the whole place is going to be "spaghettified"
QVpens are extremely versatile,
the only limits are the users and imagination.
Since the pens can be used as a writing tool,
they also can be used as a drawing tool,
this also can be used as a "trailing tool"
which can be used to leave trails which is an interesting effect.
But if you leave too many trails, things are getting messy.

VRC Law 2.2:
When you have enough pillows, there are 3 possible outcomes:
1) no one touches the pillow.
2) pillows will be placed mid-air if the pillows are not affected by gravity
3) pillows will be used to build architectural structures such as small houses, forts, walls, etc.
Having objects floating in mid-air without the users floating around is amazing in a way. It is actually quite fun to see users in VRC building structures and see what they come up with.
behold... the Pillow Villa ~
do you have any other "Laws" as well?
Share them in the comment section below~