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Fundamental Types

if you reached this far, congrats, now we are going to make sense of grammatical words and syntax.


In Astralica,

Grammatical words are categorized into different topics,

vocabularies in the same topic or category should look alike or related.


These "topics" are called "Fundamental Types".

Each Fundamental Type has it's own symbol.

Afterwards, each Fundamental Type is going to have its own chapter

Here are the 6 Fundamental Types:

Kaxi - "Space"

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The symbol is derived from the 3 perpendicular axes in a euclidian environment.

If you are familiar with Unity or Blender or 3D modeling software, you usually see that as a gizmo.


This symbol can represent "position" or "direction".

Taxi - "Time"

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The symbol is derived from the shape of an hourglass.

And obvious enough this symbol represents "time".

Krosno - "Object"


The symbol is derived from the shape of a box or a package.


the name of this Fundamental Type is derived from "Kosra" and "no".

"Kosra" will be discussed in the next part.

"no" means "zero".


In the pass, this Fundamental type was called "Kosrano" before getting compressed to "Krosno"


mainly has the meaning of "entity without Kosra". Which mainly are non-living things.


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Kosra is a unique concept which other languages does not have.


Kosra cannot be clearly translated into any other English or Chinese words, it is a combination of them.


"Kosra" has the meaning of "Mind", "Concept", "Integellenge", "Knowledge", "Passion", "Idea".


The symbol is derived from "putting an idea into a cone-shaped flask".

Krosni - "Living Ent."

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The opposite of "Kosrano" or "Krosno",

the name of this fundamental type is derived from "Kosra" and "ni".

"ni" means "one"


This Fundamental Type went through the same compression process as "Krosno",

It was "Kosrani" in the past.


The symbol is derived from us, "humans", you can see the head and hands, for simplicity's sake, the legs are omitted


Mainly has the meaning of "entity with Kosra". Which mainly are "living things".


FunFact : We can add Cat ears on the symbol to specify that we are referring to a half-cat-half-human, with the ears and flufy tail, it is now half-fox-half-human

SÓ•yanÓ• - "Event"

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The word "SÓ•yanÓ•" in Astralica has a second meaning: "Sapling"

This word is derived from

"Sapling" from English, "Miao" from Chinese and "NÓ•gi" from Japanese.


"A Sapling growing from the ground" is an event, for it to happen,

the roots must exist in the first place, and after a few days, the leaves will sprout.

"SÓ•yanÓ•" over here represents a process or an event.


Obviously enough the symbol is derived from a shape of a sapling.








    time telling



    different particle names, quark = "kiak"

    neutronProtonElectron : force, gravity, friction, normal force

    electron : voltage, current, resistance, inductance

    photon : hue + brightness = color

    air : vibration : pitch, amplitude, rhythm




Living Being


    cell part

    body part

    plant part



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