Cryptography is what brings humans to discover a new world, where only teammates understand you, and your enemies are confused unless they know some of your rules.
Cipher is a way to turn human-readable texts into gibberish to humans.
The first Cipher took place in 100 BC and used by Julius Caesar, which is the "Caesar Cipher".
Technology plays a vital role in the development of society. A knife is a knife, it can help cut ingredients in the kitchen, or a weapon to defend yourself or to harm others. Just like a knife, Technology is not entirely good or totally bad, it depends on how the user uses them.

During WW2, the Germans used the Enigma Machine to send secret messages.
What an Enigma Machine does is the connection of letters will change every time when a letter is encrypted. At that time, everyone thought that the Enigma Codes are impossible to be broken, even the Germans though so.

But the Enigma Machine has a flaw. The Plugboard and the Reflector make sure that the Machine can encrypt and decrypt messages quickly, which is an advantage, thanks to these two parts, a letter can never be encrypted as itself. Alan Turing and his team built a Machine, based on this flaw, this Machine is the Bombe Machine. With this Masterpiece, nearly 14 million lives were saved and the war was shortened by around 2 years.
Since the Enigma Machine cannot convert a Letter to itself, I thought to myself "what if I design a machine that a letter can be itself ?", and I did.
And now, everyone can make their own secret messages by using the 64 Key Enigma III tool on the page: