2D2009 > OniShan Gallery
new creations : https://memo2007ultra.wixsite.com/m27u-2d2009-oni-hand
3D2010 > VR2021 > Relativity Express : https://memo2007ultra.wixsite.com/m27u-v2021/dimension-structure
KSY1 : attention grabber implemented
KSC2 : attention grabber implemented
if answered wrongly, the floor will disappear as a penalty
attention grabber implemented
Xhazor C : The audio is blasted, reported by pseudo, Cstl_Orion, ThisIsNot2d, and is now fixed.
KSG3 : now complete
KeybOwOard : https://memo2007ultra.wixsite.com/m27u-m2016/keybowoard
instruction text was "shlf FILTER", and now it's fixed
now mobile compatible : https://github.com/M2007U/keybOwOard/commit/01556c1b0ff7edbd015df39082fb9d0fb55387fa
added comparisons, structure diagram, Twitch VOD
DrUwUms : https://memo2007ultra.wixsite.com/m27u-m2016/druwums : initial commit
L2016 > C2017 > Astralica > Vol2
KosraNo > Lira
main standard format established : https://memo2007ultra.wixsite.com/m27u-astralica/v02-c06-kosrano-lira
multiple dialects, one human , one cat
Sæyanæ - Aria : https://memo2007ultra.wixsite.com/m27u-astralica/v02-c09-s%C3%A6yan%C3%A6-aria : added Medium "Særia-æri"
![one of our VRChat Worlds where a Red Flower stands by its own : [HPebble] Lycoris [M2007U-A2009-3D2010-V2021]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/b6c336_67fab5eac1bf461d98c941cb712cb9a2~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_980,h_551,al_c,q_90,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/b6c336_67fab5eac1bf461d98c941cb712cb9a2~mv2.png)