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VRChat - QVpens

Writer's picture: XR_XharpRazorXR_XharpRazor

VRChat is an enormous community where everyone can chat with each other in real-time, and if the user has enough equipment, he/she can perform complex actions and gestures, all in real-time.

If you are a VRChat user, you may notice that there are some special objects in VRChat: Mirror, Video Players, and finally the most important of all: QVpens

We all know that a pen can be used to write on a flat surface, it requires a medium to write on it, but this pen in VRChat requires nothing to write, all it needs is air. Yup, you can write on thin air. This tool is advantageous to users who have problems communicating verbally, maybe they are deaf, or they cannot talk, or maybe they have mic issues, or simply, they don't like to talk and like to write instead.

And of course, if a QVpen can be used as a writing tool, then it is a drawing tool as well. Some users use VR sets and some users use Computers (yup, you don't exactly need a VR headset in order to communicate). Each with its pros and cons.

For VR users,

They can write normally simply using the controllers, the flow is smooth and handwriting is easier, most importantly this makes drawing much easier.

The problem is they are going to have a hard time drawing something GEOMETRIC, for example, a perfect circle or a straight line.

For Computer Users,

It is hard for them to write or draw by using their mouse, the flow is rough unless they are extremely experienced, or you can lower the mouse sensitivity in the VRChat options

But what is cool is users can use their keyboard to perform geometric movements, therefore they can draw geometric drawings.


If you are a computer user, you Might want to know the controls of a QVpen (or any general pickup objects) :

Left Click = Draw (pickup objects: maybe specified)

Right Click = Drop (pickup objects: maybe specified)

Scroll Wheel = Distance

J = Rotate along UpDownAxis Clockwise from top

L = Rotate along UpDownAxis Counter Clockwise from top

K = Rotate along LeftRightAxis Backwards for upperpart

I = Rotate along LeftRightAxis Forward for the upper part

U = Rotate along FrontBackAxis Clockwise from behind

O = Rotate along FrontBackAxis Counter Clockwise from behind


Now since you know the controls, here are some ideas for you to refer to when you don't know what to draw:

Straight Line

Hold still your mouse and hold left click, and then move by using W/A/S/D


Hold your mouse still and you can combine WASD to get a nice "Ink surface"

Grid Matrix

just like drawing a straight line on a flat surface, you can use Jump or crouch (Z) to explore the 3rd dimension


Hold still your mouse and hold left click, and then press J/K/L/I/U/O or combined

Geo Ring Sphere

Hold your mouse still, and draw circles by using U/I/O/J/K/L which are parallel to each other

Geo Chaotic Sphere

Hold still your mouse and hold left click, and combine the following keys in any way: U,I,O,J,K,L

Chaotic Sphere

standstill, hold left click and then start drawing lines everywhere, the more the better, the messier the better. once you finished it, you are inside this "Chaotic Sphere"

Verticle Cylinder

standstill, hold left click and start pressing (J/K) and Z periodically, you will end up with a "Blender Cylinder"

Horizontal Cylinder

hold your mouse still, hold left lick, by combining drawing circles using U/O and lines using W/S, you can end up with a long cylinder


Hold your mouse still, hold on left click, then press U/O and W/S at the same time, this will rotate the pen as you walk and draw. If you know your maths well, seeing this from the side is like a shifted sine graph. If your walking speed is too fast, you can crouch then draw the spiral instead.


If you are a VRChat user, what will you draw usually on VRChat, tell us in the comment section below, if it is possible, screenshots can be attached.


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