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XR's Archieve

Art is extremely powerful

that you cannot imagine how powerful it can be.

47 = Lililu_Stand_C.jpg

MRA Character


Misc Pack


Wallpaper Series

17 = Sonic _Melody of Piano.jpg

Sonic Series

MRA Char

MRA character Series
September 2015 - now

Here are some characters from the comic I drew ("Memo Robot Adventure")
since primary school until High School Senior,
but some of them may appear somewhere else


Miscellaneous Pack
June 2016 - now

Basically a series of illustrations with no specific category,
both chibi and anime style


Wallpaper Series
June 2019 - now

Sometimes, abjects around us can be abstract,
and they can have no limits at the same time

Sonic Series

Sonic Series
March 2015 - September 2015

If you are a Sonic fan, you might find these either interesting or cringe XD

© Memo2007Ultra
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