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VRChat x Math x Computer Science
What will happen if we bring Maths and Computer Science into VRChat ?
Published Episodes
Here are some of the Videos which covers some of the essential parts of Math, (that may be skipped by your teacher in school). But still, we have a long way to go.
VRChat x Math x Computer Science
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Road Map
Here are the topics we are going to cover, so at least you know what to expect :
✅ basics
✅ calculus
✅ Recursion
☑️ Tower of hanoi
⬛ Lambda Calculus
✅ coord
✅ basic shapes
✅ 4th Dimension
⬛ trigonometry & Oscillations
⬛ Fourier Series
⬛ Plutonics
⬛ What's a set ? How to make one ?
⬛ Set Operations
📌 Basics
⬛ Additive and Multiplicative Rules
⬛ Totient Function
⬛ Fermat's and Eulers Theorems
⬛ Factorial, nPr, nCr //how many ways to have your lunch ?
⬛ why (a+b)^2 = a^2+2ab+b^2 and what about (a+b+c+d)^2
⬛ (a+b)^n, where does it comes from ?
📌 Logic Gates
⬛ state machines
⬛ regular expressions & Deterministic FiniteState Automata
⬛ Non-deterministic FiniteState Automata
⬛ Pushdown Automata vs Queue Automata
⬛ grammars
⬛ compiler
⬛ self made interpretors
⬛ basics
⬛ Enigma Machine & XKeyEnigma Machine
⬛ Lorenz Cipher & GearRail Cipher
⬛ Diffie Hellman
⬛ Asymmetric Cipher , RSA
⬛ Hashing
⬛ SHA128 and SHA256
⬛ 3 types of animation
⬛ self-made Node System
⬛ self-made Particle System
✅ number bases
⬛ Negative numbers in Binary
⬛ IEEE binary (int, float)
⬛ Square apple orchard puzzle
⬛ Biggest Square in a binary Matrix
⬛ conveyor belt grid puzzle and the solver
⬛ Blender : Geometry Nodes : Generating Points
⬛ VRChat : Relativity Express : Matrix Twist Puzzle
⬛ VRChat : Relativity Express : Clock Puzzle
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