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C++ Projects

a collection of C++ projects




These libraries fall under the department :

Memo2007Ultra - Learn2016 - Academic2017 - Science2017


Special Thanks :

Microsoft Visual Studio Code  : IDE

Linux                         : Universal Running and Testing Environment

FreyaHolmer                   : Shader Math Concepts

South Dakota State University : Basic C++ Concepts, Math Concepts

OpenAI, ChatGPT               : C++ Syntax Laydown, Network Structure Consolidation

Wix, GitHub                   : Distribution Platform




User Agreements


these are all self-made C++ Libraries, feel free to make changes to these classes to fit your needs.

By downloading and Including any library here in your creation, you agree that


1. including a link to this page in your acknowledgments section in your project //no Plagarism


2. your project aims for Hippocratic Aims. These Libraries are created for the greater good.

If you are caught using our creations for anti-Hippocratic Purposes, you will be added to our blacklist and do not have permission to use our creations //do not use our stuff to cause harm




Branching & Requests //Missing Features ?


if you found any of these libraries lacking features,

feel free to set up a GitHub repository with your implementations and contact the original creator.

We may consider implementing your ideas

(and adding your name to the list)




USING Microsoft Visual Studio Code


to collapse every method to have a better reading view

WINS : Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + 0

MAC  : Command + K, then Command + 0


to expand every method

WINS : Ctrl + K, then Ctrl + J

MAC  : Command + K, then Command + J

Enigma Machine but better


by XR_XharpRazor

A package of classes which help to deal with
console printing, booleans, numbers, strings, vectors,

server-client connections
and moar to come OwO

This Library will be used throughout other projects and Libraries here

just simply put this file with your other files,

and include it by using

#include "FOwOFunctions_2024.cpp"

Screenshot 2024-10-22 054137.png


by XR_XharpRazor

A program to act as a calculator in your console,
accepts long and complex syntax and expressions

just simply compile the cpp file,

if you are using g++, compile it with the following
"g++ -std=c++11 -o LOwO LOwO_Drive.cpp"



- implement functions
- uses Lambda Calculus Mechanisms
- implement boolean operations
- implementing Branch / Switch
- turning LOwO into a online Wix Interpreter

Screenshot 2024-10-14 072210.png


by XR_XharpRazor

A class to generalize data structures,
such as Link Lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, Graphs
The nodes over here can store
any datatype, including self-made classes

just simply put the file with your other files,

and include it by using

#include "NOwOdes_2024.cpp"




- will Implement Tree Classes and Methods
- will Implement Graph Classes and Methods

Gird Background


by XR_XharpRazor

A class to emulate matrices
Capable of Addition, DotProduct, Scaling, Matrix Multiply, Transpose. Matrices can also be zero out or become an identity matrix.

just simply put the file with your other files,

and include it by using
#include "MOwOtrix_2024.cpp"

- adding Row Operations
- adding Inverse Matrix
- adding Adding row or column
- adding Stripping row or column

Screenshot 2024-11-22 075614.png


by XR_XharpRazor

A class to treat numbers as strings so that the result will not run out of range that easily, the new limit now is the maximum length of the string

include it by using
#include "StrOwOngMOwOth_2024.cpp"

- might look into roots


XKey Enigma Machine ver 2024

by XR_XharpRazor

An Improved version of Enigma Machine,
with more settings, keyspace, et

here are some of the comparisons :

just simply compile the cpp file,
if you are using g++, compile it with the following

"g++ -std=c++11 -o JUSTRUN main.cpp"


Lines Of Code

kOwOnsole ver 2023

by XR_XharpRazor

What was only meant to be a University Project

now becomes a mini project.
A secondary Linux Command Prompt that has some features that the normal Linux Command Prompt doest has.

just simply compile the cpp file,
if you are using g++, compile it with the following

"g++ -std=c++11 -o kOwOnsole main.cpp"

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