[ Kiara ] - Tool / Craft / Creation
Multiple Objects or Entities assembled together to achieve a certain goal
or a creation with soul embeded
Sometimes we require the help of tools to achieve things faster, more efficient, more acurate.
And sometimes we create things that are carefully crafted, which can be treated as a work of art
to help measure or to help achieve ?
so far tools can be categorized into 2 types :
tools that help us to make measurements
tools that act as an extension of us

[ Kiara - KoaTa ]
[ Kiakoata ]
Tools for us to ask for information
Tools for measurement

[ Kiara - SæyanæTa ]
[ Kiasæta ]
Tools for us to ask for process / method
Tools for extension
Generating Tool Names : Systematic
When naming a tool, we can think of 2 questions :
1: What is it do we want to measure or to achieve ? (Mandatory)
2: How does the tool works ? What mechanism it is using ? (Optional)
the way to generate the name of a tool is to
answer the 1st question,
then attach the particle "Kin" (derived from "Kiara") if the 2nd question can be answered
then answer the 2nd question



here are some of the examples of some of the tools we know and use

"A tool to take measurements, length"
"A ruler"

"A tool to achieve brightness, by using electricity"
"a flash light" / "a bulb" / "an LED"

"A tool to achieve extreme distance, by using light"
"a telescope" / "a binocular"

"A tool to achieve extreme small distance, by using light"
"a microscope"
Generating Tool Names : Chaotic
if a tool cannot be categorized into the systematic category,
then, the tool can be named based on cultures and dialect (names can be slightly different)
sadly, tools that falls under this category cannot be constructed based on rules and pattern, and has to be memorized
here is the word for "broom", for the
"Earthling-Western-Standard Dialalect",
"Earthling-Eastern-Standard Dialect"
and the "Earthling Qyonpa Dialect"

[ Kiasæta - bun ]
Earthling - Western - Standard - Dialect

[ Kiasæta - hoki ]
Earthling - Eastern - Standard - Dialect

[ Kiasæta - sozpa ]
Earthling - Qyonpa - Dialect