[ Kosra ] → [ Koa ]
Mind, Consious, Knowledge, Passion, is what makes us unique
These words/phrases will be used when exchanging, requesting, providing information
Request and Respond
In conversations, we usually request or respond to information

[ Kosra - Ta ]
[ Koa - Ta ]
Request Information

[ Kosra - Tæ ]
[ Koa - Tæ ]
Provide Information
Glyph Derivation
The Glyph for KoaTa resembles a hand with it's palm facing upwards, requesting for information.
The Glyph for KoaTæ resembles a hand with it's palm facing downwards, providing information
Pronunciation Derivation
[ Kosra ] + [ KaxiTa ] → [ Koa ] + [ KaTa ] → [ KoaTa ]
[ Kosra ] + [ KaxiTæ ] → [ Koa ] + [ KaTæ ] → [ KoaTæ ]
Word Structure
Just simply requesting and providing information is not enough, the information type is also required, once the Kosra sign and Request/Provide sign is combined with one of the Fundamental Symbols, we can know what type of information is requested or provided.

[ Ta ] / [ Tæ ]
one of the fundamental types / some other symbols
regarding the information you are requesting or providing
Information Specification
Here are some of the combination that can be translated into something that we can normally understand.

[ Kosra - Ta - Kaxi ]
[ Koa - Ta - Ka ]

[ Kosra - Ta - Sæyanæ - Kæ ]
[ Koa - Ta - Sæ - Kæ ]

[ Kosra - Ta - Taxi - Ka ]
[ Koa - Ta - Ta - Ka ]

[ Kosra - Ta - Sæyanæ - Ko ]
[ Koa - Ta - Sæ - Ko ]

[ Kosra - Ta - Krosno ]
[ Koa - Ta - Ko ]

[ Kosra - Ta - KosraNi ]
[ Koa - Ta - Koi ]

[ Kosra - Tæ - Sæyanæ - Kæ ]
[ Koa - Tæ - Sæ - Kæ ]

[ Kosra - Tæ - Sæyanæ - Ka ]
[ Koa - Tæ - Sæ - Ka ]
So / Therefore
Wait ... this has no Translations ...
Sometimes, you might end up with combinations that cannot be directly translated into a word
in English / Chinese / Japanese etc. But sometimes they may make sense.
Keep in mind, these combinations are some of the possible combinations,
this does NOT mean that those are the only available combinations.
someone may request information about a person,
which one can use "Koa - Ta - Koi",
which can be translated to "who" in English.
In This case, the one who answers will need to use "Koa - Tæ - Koi",
which does not has a direct translation to English or Chinese or Japanese etc
however it can be broken down into
"Information - Provide - Person"
In most languages, animals other than humans have been treated as lifeless objects (instead of "he" or "she", they get to have "it"), however, in Astralica, all animals get to have "KosraNi" or "KrosNi" or "Kri" or "Koi".