[ Sæyanæ ] -
Source, Medium & Receptors
One gives, one carries, one takes
In Astralica, some words or structrue can be constructed or derived from this "Give and Take" concept.
[ Aria ] - from [ Ara ] to [ Aria ]
In the section "Kaxi > Direction", we know that we have
"Ka-Ɂara-Ɂæru" ("into") and "Ka-Ɂara-Ɂæra" ("going out")
Here we have a new concept : Sæyanæ - Aria
This represents a part of an Event with some sense of Direction, but not in space.
Instead, relationship.
Taking inspiration from "Kaxi-Ara" ("Direction"),
we can combine "Sæyanæ" and "Ara" together
and have the following :

Aria Object
[ Sæyanæ-Aria ]
[ Særia ]
Just like "Kosra", there is no direct translation for "Særia", but soon in future chapters you can see how this character or concept comes into play.
Give and Take
Here we have 3 new concepts, which can be easily translated or explained as the following :

[ Sæyanæ-Aria-Æru ]
[ Særia-æru ]
[ Sæyanæ-Aria-Æri ]
[ Særia-æri ]
[ Sæyanæ-Aria-Æra ]
[ Særia-æra ]
These 3 concepts can / might be used for
Deriving a new noun / word / class
There is a "Give, Carry, Take" relationship in between 2 or more parties in a sentence or concept.
the "Source", "Medium" and "Receptor" can be living or non living objects,
this can be based on context and concepts.
In a restaurant, a chef can be a Source, a waiter can be a medium and the customers can be the Receptors.
In AstroPhysics, a nova star can be a Source, Space can be a medium, a BlackHole can be a Receptor.
Alternative Glyphs
"Særia-æru", "Særia-æri" and "Særia-æra" can be written in another form :

[ Særia-æru ]

[ Særia-æri ]

[ Særia-æra ]