[ KosraNo - Lira ] - Human Dialect
Seeing and talking about colors as humans
These words/phrases will be used when referring to nouns or adjectives that is related to light.
For Human, Astralica Human Dialect, the 3 primary colors are:
[ Rahaka ]
[ Nawari ]
[ Koqosa ]
Although these names will not be used here directly, they will be used for derivation.
Here we have their cropped segments and Emphasize Segments
cropped : [ Ra ]
emphasize : [ Ha ]
cropped : [ Na ]
emphasize : [ Wa ]
cropped : [ Ka ]
emphasize : [ Sa ]
Since the Human Dialect only has 3 primary colors, Itis guaranteed that a "Hue Circle" can be formed, In this case, Astralica Human Dialect uses the Hue Circle approach, let's try to construct this circle step by step
Cropped and Emphasize Segments
The cropped segments is used to represent the general Hue, the emphasize segment is used to state that if a color is perfectly Red, Green or Blue.
Step 01 : Color wheel
let's draw a color wheel, with 3 major ticks and 3 secondary ticks and for each segment between a major tick and a secondary tick, we can have 4 smaller segments.
The convention here is to have Red as 0 deg, Green as 120 and Blue as 240 deg,
and the angle starts on the right hand side, clockwise, just like back in trigonometry.

Step 02 : Primary Chunks
For now we will list the 3 major chunks for Red, Green, and Blue,
so at least we know which part of the circle will be covered by which primary color.
For every tick, this will contain the general color, if the tick is a Major tick, the Emphasize segment will be appended.

Step 03 : Purity Magnitude
With different vowels, we can represent how close a color is to a pure primary color,
ranging from "o", "i", "​æ" to "a"

Step 03 : Side Specification
Here we can see, for each primary color, they have both symmetrical sides,
like "if I were to say "ri", am I talking about the "ri" closer to "nawa" or the "ri" closer to "kasa" ?"
In this case, we can append a segment behind the general segment to specify which side are we referring to.

Step 05 : Pronouncing the Hue
the full name of a color should be "KosraNoNi - Lira - Klara Ru Taxi - <Hue Name>",
but this is a bit too many syllables, to simplify it, we can have "Kros - Li - Ta - <Hue Name>"
if the context is even clearer that we are referring to a color, then we can just have "Li - Ta - <Hue Name>"
for extreme simplification, just the hue name written in Casual Script should be good.
Special Case Dialect
Sometimes, different people or groups can pickup or adapt to smaller different dialects, and have small alternative rules, rather than following the standardize rules.
Here we have several RGBA Hue formats that we can use :
Single Digit 16
Single Digit Quad
Double Digit 16
Single Digit 16
Each slot is a single-digit Number, ranging from 0x0 to 0xF
Double Digit 16
Each slot is a double-digit Number, this will be the familiar color code format to some graphic designers.
Single Digit Quad
Each slot is a syllable, which represent a certain amount of that primary color
however the way to pronounce it makes the colors sounds like names
which is pretty common in normal speeches and conversation and lore making.
Extra - That name sounds familiar...
Due to coincidence, some of the names are charracters or people from the Internet,
which can be fun and interesting :

Extra - Back in Mah Days
Back in 2022 October 07, Colors can only be described in RGBA or YMCK, with 8 states