[ Taxi ] → [ Ta ]
What time is it ?
These words/phrases will be used when describing a time or a duration, which is useful when it comes to time telling, they fall under the "Taxi" type.
Modifier Slots
the Modifier slots for the Taxi-type words are quite nested and modular

Time Segment List
Position / Duration
Position / Duration
when we look at "03:45:16",
do we mean "3 hours, 45 minutes and 16 seconds"
or "3 in the morning, past 45 minutes and 16 seconds ?".
In this case we need to specify if we are referring to
a moment (a position of time) or a quantity of time (duration).

a position in time / moment
[ TaKa ]

the quantification of time / duration
[ TaKla ]
The modification element for "moment" is dereived from "Kaxi", but to make things more compacted, the pronunciation when used with the Taxi symbol has been cropped to "Ka"
"3 o'clock" is a moment

"3 hours" is a duration

Time Segments List - Standard
Just like in normal time telling,
a "clock" can be divided into different parts: year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds etc.
Here we have a slightly different mechanism: Time Segment accumulation
Having a list of time segments, such that each time segment contains a specific value.
This also means that a Taxi word can have some of the time segments omitted or appended.
In this case, the time segment has 3 parts :
a number to describe how many pieces of the broken pieces of the unit.
Unit Specification
can be a year, a month, a day, an hour, a minute or a second etc
a number to describe how many pieces the unit should be broken into.
Isn't this just Fraction ?
In some sense, yes, basically one way to understand the value of a time segment can be though of as :
"Time unit * Nominator / Denominator"
the way to pronounce it is :
Time Unit - Nominator - [ Ru ] - Denominator
Here, "Ru" acts as a divider, this will be referred in a future chapter ( KosraNo - Matter )
And here are 2 types of time units :
Planet Based Units
These units are based on the periodic patterns on a planet,
like a complete orbit, or a complete rotation.

[ Ta-Kla-Ra ]

[ Ta-Kla-Ræ ]

[ Ta-Kla-Ri ]
Category Name for Platnet Based Units
Rather than just "Ra", "Ræ", "Ri", it needs to be in a category.
Glyph Derivation
The Minute symbol is derived from the Taxi symbol, since a minute is a short moment,it can be interpreted as "a short moment is worth a half hourglass" since the Taxi symbol is derived from an hourglass.
The Year symbol is derived from "a planet's full orbit" where the dash is the planet.
The Day symbol is derived from "a planet's full single rotation" where the little dot is the planet.
An Earth year may not be equal to another planet's year, it is by default that when the planet is not specified, we are referring to the current planet that we are on.
In most cases for now, we are on Earth, so by default, "TaxiRa" means "an Earth year". This also means that different planets and societies may divide a year into multiple parts to represent months, i.e., the denominator may differ for everyone.
an Earth month is a 12th of an Earth year. so an Earth month is "TaxiRato" where "to" is 0xC or.
"On Earth, it took 1 year, 2 months, 3 days, 4 hours, 5 minutes and 6 seconds"

[ Ta - Kla -
Ra ni Ru ni - Ra næ Ru to - Ræ na Ru ni - Ræ lo Ru ni do - Ri li Ru ni - Ri læ Ru na to ]
Some times, a planet's day is longer than a planet's year, it is not always that a planet's year is longer than a planet's day.
Atomic Based Units
These units are based on the Electron Spin Flip of a ground state Hydrogen atom.

kona seconds
[ Ta-Kla-Ko-Na-No ]

kona minutes
[ Ta-Kla-Ko-Na-Ni ]

kona hours
[ Ta-Kla-Ko-Na-Næ ]

kona days
[ Ta-Kla-Ko-Na-Na ]
"KosraNo-Na" will be covered in the "Krosno" chapter.
According to Wikipedia,
The frequency of the Electron Spin Flip for a Hydrogen Atom in its ground state is approximately
14 2040 5751.768 Hz
​this means that each oscillation takes approximately​​​
1 second / 14 2040 5751.768
= 7.0402 4183 7624 8142 ... × 10^-10 seconds
​​​a KoNa second is the duration for 2^32 oscillations, which is approximately
2^32 × 7.0402 4183 7624 8142 ... × 10^-10 seconds
= 3. 0237 6084 4852 9519 ... seconds
A KoNa minute is 64 KoNa seconds, a KoNa hour is 64 KoNa minutes, a KoNa day is 64 KoNa hours.
Here are the KoNa Time Unit and Normal Human Time Unit comparisons:
1 Kona second
= 3. 0237 6084 4852 9519 seconds
1 Kona minute
= 64 Kona second
= 64 × 3. 0237 6084 4852 9519 seconds
= 193.5206940705889216 seconds
= 3 minutes 13.5206940705889216 seconds
1 Kona hour
= 64 Kona minutes
= 64 × 3 minutes 13.5206940705889216 seconds
= 192 minutes 865.3244205176909824 seconds
= 192 minutes 14 minutes 25.3244205176909824 seconds
= 206 minutes 25.3244205176909824 seconds
= 3 hours 26 minutes 25.3244205176909824 seconds
1 Kona day
= 64 Kona hours
= 64 × 3 hours 26 minutes 25.3244205176909824 seconds
= 192 hours 1664 minutes 1620.7629131322228736 seconds
= 220 hours 11 minutes 0.7629131322228736 seconds
= 9 days 4 hours 11 minutes 0.7629131322228736 seconds
The Inspiration of Kona Seconds
the Atomic Time Unit "TaxiKlaKrona"
is inspired by the time unit used in the
Golden Record on the Voyager

Time Segments List - with Predefined Context
In the word, we can also specify that we are on Earth, or a specific planet.
Only then, the time segment becomes :
Whole Quantity
a number is written in Prime Factor Script to describe how many whole unit.
Unit Specification
can be a year, a month, a day, an hour, a minute or a second etc
Fragment Quantity
a number is written in Prime Factor Script to describe how many
predefined pieces of the unit.
To specify the current planet or predefinations, one of the time segments will be

To represent "information given"

to represent "location specification"
Location Name
the name of the location, or if the location has a predefined symbol, which also fits.
this is also helpful when specifying time when we are dealing with different time zones
To pronounce it, we smushed "Kosra" and "Kaxi" to get "KoaKa", then the name of the location
it is predefined that on Earth,
a month is a 12th of a year, an hour is a 24th of a day, a second is a 60th of a minute

[Taxi - Kla - KosKa erfd - Ra ni Ru næ - Ræ na Ru lo - Ri li Ru lo ]
"Time - Quantize - Location : Earth - 1 Year 2 - 3 day 4 - 5 minute 6"
"Duration - On Earth - 1 Year 2 Months - 3 Days 4 Hours - 5 minutes 6 seconds"
OK, just normal stuff~ no space travel or anything wonky
in this case, the current location can be "KaxiKo",
so the current location slot can be "Ko", then the location segment will be "KoaKaKo".