[ Sæyanæ ] - Possesion
This is mine, that is yours
Attached vs Detached
To specify that something belongs to someone, we can use either use "sæyu" or "sæya".
We use "sæyu" if the object is a part of the host
We use "sæya" if the object can be dettached from the host

[ Sæyu ]
Possive - Attached

[ Sæya ]
Possesive - Dettached
"Nyan Chan 's right ear", here we will use "sæyu"
"Kytzune Chan 's pencil", here we will use "sæya"
Here is a list of objects that are usually used with "sæyu" :
Body Parts
Here is a list of objects that are usually used with "sæya" :
other Entities
non-living possessions
preposition (in space and time)
Desired vs Disgusted
When an Object which is supposed to be Detached is used with "Sæyu", this expresses that the host cherrishes the object.
When an Object which is supposed to be Attached is used with "Sæya", the expresses that the host is disgusted with the object and wish to get rid of it.
"I am too short, I wish I am taller", here we can use "sæya" to describe the speaker's height
"Kytzune Chan 's boy friend, Phox Kun", here we can use "sæyu" to describe Kytzune Chan's boyfriend.
Simple Syntax
Inspired by Object Oriented Programming, the Host goes before "Sæyu" or "Sæya", and the possession goes after.

Chained Syntax
A Chain of Possesion Relation Ship can also be spoken or written as a chain as well