[ Kosrano - No - Lira ]
Light is what we interprets as signals
These words/phrases will be used when referring to nouns or adjectives that is related to light.
[ Lira ] - Light
The Light symbol is derived from the shape of the flame from a candlelight.
If every noun in this chapter were to be written in full name
every noun will have the "Kosrano-No-Lira" prefix
however, given enough context, we can omit most of the part and end up with "Li" as the prefix
when the prefix is omitted to "Li" only, we can omit the "Krosno" glyph and have the "Lira" glyph stays

Since we interpret Frequency as Hue, and Frequency is a unit based on time,
it is reasonable to call "Hue" as "Li - KlaRuTa" or shorter "Li - Ta"
here we have 2 variations to write it :

[ Lira - KlaRuTa ]
[ Li - Ta ]
Frequency / Hue
Based on different species, different entities may detect hues differently.
In Biology, we see colors by using our cone cells, different species have different types and numbers of cone cells, causing different species to interpret or detect colors differently.
Since Astralica is aimed for all species, This general concept is not suitable to be concrete.
One way to understand this is to say that "different species will have slightly different words to describe hues, which means that different species will have different dialects", but the main structure is the same, so one species can learn another dialect by using the common concept.
Cats only has 2 types of cone cells, so they they can see Green and Magenta, and anything in between
Humans has 3 types of cone cells, so we can see Red, Green and Blue, and any mix in between
Insects or birds has 4 types of cone cells.
Primary Frequencies
Here every species will need to agree on some Frequencies as their Primary Frequencies".
Here the Yellow box will be a number, where this number is the index of the agreed frequency.

For the Human Dialect, it is defined that
"Li - Ta - Ni" would be "Red", or "Rahaka"
"Li - Ta - Næ" would be "Green", or "Nawari"
"Li - Ta - Na" would be "Blue", or "Koqosa"
For the Cat Dialect, it is defined that
"Li - Ta - Ni" would be "Green", or "Nyawawi"
"Li - Ta - Næ" would be "Magenta", or "Myagawi"

Because Frequency agreement to some extent is arbitrary, so indexing starts from 1 instead of 0.
Luminance & Saturation & Opacity
These parameters are much simpler than the Hue parameter, here these traits can be simply described by a single number, with "No" (0x0) as none to "Ta" (0xF) as full.
Amplitude can be thought as "how much space does this light ray need to wiggle"
Saturation can be thought as "the clarity of different frequencies or direction"
Opacity can be thought as "the quantity of that color being applied"

[ Lira - Kaxi ]
[ Li - Ka ]
Amplitude / Luminance

[ Lira - ʔara ]
[ Li - Ra ]
Direction / Saturation

[ Lira - Klari ]
[ Li - Kla ]
Amount / Opacity
RGBA Format //Cone Cell Format
"RGBA Format" strictly speaking is a misnomer, as not every species has Red Green Blue cone cells.
Based on the different dialects, multiple slots are defined :
First is the Hue Slots
<Hue 1> <Hue 2> <Hue 3> ... <Hue N>
Due to how Additive Mixing works, this also controls the Saturation and the Luminance of the Color
Then finally the Opacity Slot
Every slot is then filled with a single digit number, ranging from 0 to F

[ Lira - TaKlaKla ]
[ Li - TaKlaKla ]
Freq Alpha Format
Just Like TaKlaKla, sometimes we can compact all parameters into one small compact word.
Based on different dialects, the different slots are :
Hue Slots
<Hue 1> <Hue 2> <Hue 3> ... <Hue N> or <Hue Name>
here the Hues will only affect the "direction" of the color
this will describe the ratio in between the strengths of different hue channels.
These numbers must not share any factors
Saturation Slot
this will describe how "pure" the hue will be.
Another way to understand this is "how not grey this color is"
Luminance Slot
this will describe the Brightness or the vibrance of the Color
Another way to understand this is "How not black this color is"

[ Lira - TaxiAraKaxi ]
[ Li - TaRaKa ]
HSLA Format
Hue in HSLA
In HSLA format for Astralica, the Hue Segment only describes how close a color is to a set of primary colors.
The Hue Segment will not describe Saturation or Luminance or Opacity.
If you read through the whole thing, give yourself a pat at the back because that was actually a lot, here are all the things in one small section :

[ Lira - KlaRuTa ]
[ Li - Ta ]
Frequency / Hue

[ Lira - TaxiKlariKlari ]
[ Li - TaKlaKla ]
RGBA Format

[ Lira - Kaxi ]
[ Li - Ka ]
Amplitude / Luminance

[ Lira - ʔara ]
[ Li - Ra ]
Direction / Saturation

[ Lira - Klari ]
[ Li - Kla ]
Amount / Opacity

[ Lira - TaxiAraKaxi ]
[ Li - TaRaKa ]
HSLA Format