[ Tæga ] - Thing
Just a thing, can be alive, or not.
Normally in a sentence, a noun is unavoidable. In normal sense, the Subject and Object in a sentence are both Nouns. Undersome circumstances, different root words can become nouns.
the Stamp
The word / concept "Dæf" Refers to "Define"
The pronunciation is inspired by the English word "Define"
The Glyph is inspired by an Ink Stamp

[ Dæf ]
Defining and Defined
Sometimes we need to define names or nouns.
Defined names / labels / nouns can be reused in the same sentence, or further down the passage
Here, "Dæf" hints the relationship of "something is defining something"
The concept here is
"If you are above the stamp, you are defining something"
"If you are below the stamp, you are being named"

[ TægaDæfKaxita ]
[ TæDæfTa ]
[ TæDaf ]
Defining / Naming

[ TægaDæfKaxitæ ]
[ TæDæfTæ ]
[ TæDæf ]
Definition / Name
"My name is Hana Chan" can be translated to "Koinina sæyu tædæftæ kiamasæni HanaChan"